Nepal Orphan Care

Nepal Orphan Care

This blog has been formed for the sponsors of the Inspirational Fellowship Children's Home in Kathmandu, Nepal through Lovem Ministries. It's purpose is to provide you with current information and pictures from the children you so lovingly give to. Pastor Bishwa Khada and his wife Gopi have 2 biological children in Nepal and one son in heaven. They have adopted 9 orphans. They pastor at Inspirational Fellowship Church in Kathmandu and are involved in starting new churches and training pastors all over Nepal.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

October Ministry Report

Greetings from Nepal in His Precious Name!
  It’s a Great time of joy to share how the Lord has been using our ministry and all the team members as his useful tools for equipping and raising the workers for His Mission to fulfill 2020 vision of our ministry to plant 150 churches in Nepal, India, Bhutan and Tibet China, so we would like to appreciate and thank you for your every precious prayers, love, concern and investments for children, ministry and building His Kingdom of God. Surely God will count each and every deed that you have done for His Kingdom and His Glory. Thank you very much for your prayer towards us as we also continuing praying for you and work and ministry over there.
Ministry News for Mission Trips Ramechhap District from 26th t0 28th October 2011
Dear Brother and Sister Heartfelt thanks for your precious prayer for our Mission Trips in Himalaya region Rame Chhapa Distric from 26th to 28th October 2011.Regarding this trips our team went to Ramechhap District on 25th October 2011 with my Son Anand and some other brothers .the purpose of this mission trips was: Opening or Inaugurated  the new church  building in that village. Having three days youth conference and Bethlehem Discipleship training graduation service.
So I was such blessing days for us we have got many opportunity to share good news of our lord Jesus Christ to village people and also we taught them about the role of youth in the church as well as ministry and we have got privilege to inaugurate new church building and also prepared fifteens labors for harvest and send them for new church planning ministry. So about this  mission trips God has given us many experiences  in our life  though we have face many difficulties  during our travel and during the time of stay there  but our Lord always be faithful with us .because of this God has been blessing to us very much and our ministry also growing well .
Next thank you for your prayer for our ministry as well as our children .May God Bless you .
Your Brother in Christ
Pastor Bishwa Dev & Gopi khadka.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Nepal 2012

We are looking at taking 2 trips to Nepal in the next year-

1. the end of May I will be going to see the finished home for the children and help them get moved in- the trip will primarily focus on the kids and church there in Kathmandu- we'll stay at a local hotel as I did in Oct 2009. It will cost around $2500, a passport will be needed of course and visa to enter the country. I will gladly take any sponsor who wants to go, the dates are up in the air but I am looking at May 18-28, the children will by on holiday and between grades during that time. We will need to go before the rainy season starts, that makes travel much more difficult.

2. in October my husband and John Elam will take a group that will focus on training pastors, they will do more traveling around the country and be teaching from the book 9 marks of a healthy church to 4-500 pastors, the price will be about the same and it will be a 9-10 day trip as well. 

God bless and hope to hear from many of you soon!

Monday, October 10, 2011

New family pictures

Pastor Bishwa has placed several new pictures of all of the kids on a day trip they took this past week  click here

We are nearing the end of the year, the ministry is going so well, this has been a good year for this family and we are so thankful for all the sponsors here in the States that donate on a regular basis so these children will be able to attend a wonderful school and Bishwa can minister in Kathmandu and other villages. I am also so very thankful for Lovem Ministries that paved the way to make this ministry possible. It is truly a blessing to work so closely with people on the other side of the world.

We are praying and seeking the Lord for the funding to build a home for Bishwa and the children he has taken in to raise as well as the ones he will bring in in the future. He has been given land from his father and we are looking at constructing a building on the property in spring 2012 before the rainy season comes again. Last year they had bad flooding in the area where the children stay. They are separated from each other as well. The building will cost approximately $25,000

As I pray for this great need I am reminded of how amazingly Jesus provided when he was here on earth.....

Matthew 17
24 After Jesus and his disciples arrived in Capernaum, the collectors of the two-drachma temple tax came to Peter and asked, “Doesn’t your teacher pay the temple tax?”
 25 “Yes, he does,” he replied.
   When Peter came into the house, Jesus was the first to speak. “What do you think, Simon?” he asked. “From whom do the kings of the earth collect duty and taxes—from their own children or from others?”
 26 “From others,” Peter answered.
   “Then the children are exempt,” Jesus said to him. 27 “But so that we may not cause offense, go to the lake and throw out your line. Take the first fish you catch; open its mouth and you will find a four-drachma coin. Take it and give it to them for my tax and yours.”

Hanging out with Jesus must have been really cool. I have to believe if he wants you and I to be apart of building this home than he can provide money from anywhere he wants! Including a fish's mouth :)

Saturday, August 27, 2011

August Report

Pastor Bishwa's report- 

This month lord has blessed us very much and every week new people began to come in the service and most of them accept to Lord Jesus every week. And this weekend fourteen men and women of God got water baptism ,it is really such a blessing for all of us ,this is not only because of us we are doing good job but it is because of you, your prayer support and encouragement too.
Thank you for all your precious gifts, help and prayer for our all children as we also always praying for you every day. We are doing well and ministry also growing well and next weeks on Wednesday 31st of August 2011 I am going to start new church in east Nepal call Jhapa and Ilam district and its touch in India border so please pray for us.
A. Pray for children home and our ministry Inspiration fellowship.
B. Pray for 2020 vision of our ministry to plant 150 churches in Nepal, India, Bhutan and Tibet China. 
C. Pray for the Gospel and Church Growth across the Nation and Revival.
D. Pray for the Nepali Church:  for their unity, passion for prayer and spiritual revival in the country and against the spirit of division and conflicts in the Nepali Church and local churches.

The rainy season makes travel in Nepal very hard from June to August. We are planning a trip in 2012 in October for sure, while this is not good for those in school here in America, the weather would prohibit travel very much in the summer. 

This building is where the children live, they have services here also several times a week. While they are using what they have, Pastor Bishwa has been given land to build a home for him his 10 children. We are praying that God would supply the money ($30,000) through the Nepali believers, American churches, fundraisers or individuals between now and March. We hope they can be in the home by the next rainy season!

These women bring our requests with them to pray for. They have prayed for our family members and churches and we are very grateful. 

Deborah is sponsored by Sandy Pogue

Bhawana is sponsored by Kevin and Tiffany Denis

Tenjeen is sponsored by Whitney Pruitt

This is the most exciting news of the children's baptism and faith in Jesus Christ. The children are future leaders of Nepal. God has wonderful plans for their lives. 

Gopi is a beautiful soul. Though she speaks little English you know she loves the Lord very much and depends on him for every need. While caring for the 10 children she also traveled and shared a message  with the women this month. She has recovered well from her surgery in December. 

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Worship at the Inspirational Bible Fellowship in Kathmandu, Nepal

Look for the kids, pastor Bishwa's son is right there in the front. Also note how they sit :) Lord willing one day you can worship right there with them!

May it inspire you to worship in a new way this week.

Friday, July 15, 2011

July Report

Bishwa Khadka
  • Dear Respected Pastor Cody and Sister Lori
    Greetings from Nepal as well as my Family. We are doing well and continue praying for you and your family too. Thanks for all you have been doing for us and also thanks for your kind love, concern, help and prayer support towards us. Our God is great He knows everything and nobody hide himself in the side of our Almighty God. (Hebrews 4:13). Thank you for your prayer towards my father in law he is getting better now and thank you for your hard prayer about my IPAD2. Our God is amazing and awesome because He brought back my IPAD2 from the thief’s hand .it is amazing story and testimony for my life as well as give Great testimony to who are in the Hospital and also Police station.
    Story Goes like as you know my IPAD2 stolen by thief on 7th July 2011 in midnight when I was in the Hospital with my Father in Law and I have send prayer request to you also and you said to me if it is not God’s will ,you will get back and caught the thief .but it is never happen such type of thing in Nepal and many of them lost mobile and lap top from same hospital but no thing happen so as human being I and my family also setup our mind and give thanks to God for this incidents ,but at that movement my son Anand prayed for me and IPAD2 and he said to me do not worry you will get back because nothing impossible with our God and you are using this blessing for His(God) kingdom its really touch in my heart and encourage to me.
    Our God is great, very next day’s I complaint to police and hospital too but we prayed to God if it is your wills please get me back, I still could not believed how Our God has done all thing to get back my IPAD2, that very night same thief came again to steal some other things in same Hospital and room in the at 1:00 am and he was searching the room but at the time security guard suspect to him and caught him and they began to inquiry to him ,he is the same person who stole my IPAD2 than he said to us yes I stole your IPAD2 but I could not keep with me and I did not want to come again to hospital but I came here by force inside my heart so police took him in the custody and on 11th July 2011 at 2:00 pm I have received my IPAD 2.So it is possible just we trust on the lord and our prayer , your prayer so we heartily thanks for your prayer . so now IPAD2 with me and we can communicate again by Skype and other.
    Next this week one of the brother accepted to Lord as his personal savior and I have privilege to train some of the pastor and leaders to different churches which hold by good neighbors Christian community in Kathmandu, second our youth hold one day youth awareness conference in the church more than 150 youth were gather together on 10th July 2011. Third I have invited Hebron public school graduation service where our children are studying well and one of the worship leaders his name is Santos Tamang finished his 10th grade so please pray for his further study.
    Now days raining has stop so please pray for our needs as well as ministry in Nepal. So it has been such blessing time for every one of us to extension His Kingdom into the Himalaya Country as Nepal, India, Bhutan and Tibet china. So we want & appreciate your regular & active involvement to accomplish this great responsibility of building His Kingdom. May God Bless you.
    In His Service
    Pas Bishwa dev Khadka

Sunday, June 5, 2011

June Report

Bishwa is back and settled in Kathmandu, he sent this picture of the children with their new clothes we sent with them....

this is his report since returning.....

    • Sweet love and Greetings from all my family as well as all believers from Nepal and Tibet Border.

      We all are doing well by His Grace as well as your prayer Support and all the children are studying well and praying for you all. I am very sorry for delay to reply because since from my returning from village i have suffering fever due to that i could not able to communicate with you in time ,but now i am fine.

      Next good news for you ,though devil tried to killed me and Gopi by bus accident in the village but God has big plan for all the people of Nepal ,India Tibet china and Bhutan to bring in to His Kingdom therefore he could not do anything for us. After returning from USA very first week five people accepted to lord two of them from our children one is Sital Thami and another Is Tenjeen Sherpa. Rest of three from others so it was great blessing for all of us. And our two children RIDA AND KIRAN got first price from Nepali football tournament are all the children giving you all heartfelt thanks for all the thing.

      Next, i have share with them about new constructing children home building soon and all the children are so much exited and began to pray for all the resources of that building. i am sending you children picture and ministry picture with this mail. Next I would like to inform you that money which I have received from New life i have saved $ 500.00 for my car returning and that brother ask me about my car weather I can pay back money to him or not so he give me ultimate time for this month so if we do not return money to him than i have to register my car to his name so please pray for this if it is God will surely He will provide us and if it is not His will ,we heartily give thanks to our God .

      Next please convey our heartfelt greetings to all the sponsors and Velma Baptist church family. Because we know what you have been doing for us and we are praying for you and ask to God to bless you and
      pour out His Heavenly blessing in your family and ministry as well.

      Rest we are fine
      In His Name